Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm Knitting Again!

Yeah for me.
I have joined the gym, kept my home clean, been working full time, cooking meals from scratch and now I am knitting again. It's amazing how you can think that you have no time but as you add more and more activities to your schedule you can find more time than ever. I guess it motivates me to try and fit one more thing in for the day. It also helps when you have a man who pitches in a bit :)
I picked up the reversible knit hat that I was knitting for my dear man but it is on circulars right now and I've decreased to the point that I need to switch to double pointed needles but alast I do not own size 4s. Bummer. I guess that I now have a reason to go to the local yarn shop and purchase some. Wish me luck and pray that I have the strength to not purchase more yarn while I'm there.

So I put that project down and started knitting with a chenile type yarn on size 9 circs. I don't have a pattern. It is just stocking stitch and I hope for it to become a running for the dresser in my bedroom. We'll see what develops!

Friday, March 24, 2006

The pounds are melting away

I have dropped to 171.4!

Hopefully my post baby belly will tighten up with the loss.
It kind of looks like a brain right now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Today is the Day for Weight Loss.

Today is the day that I try to lose my pregnancy weight!
I gained about 70lbs and lost about half of it already. None the rest must come off. I would like to be able to fit into all of my wonderful clothes and look go for the summer. I enjoy taking classes at the local YMCA and only stopped when I became pregnant so it's time to resume.

I weight in at 175lbs on my 5'4" frame so I'll keep you all posted as to how I am doing.
I am feeling a bit guilty though. In order for me to go to the gym I need to leave my son at daycare and it makes me feel bad to not be at work and not have him with me. Sean understands but feels that I need to do something for me and that my attitude is better when I feel good about myself. He is changing his schedule on certain days so that I can go 4-5 times a week. Consistency is the key to my gym attendance so wish me luck! I'm also logging my diet on FitDay.com. If all goes well I hope to purchase the software. It seems wonderful!

Monday, March 13, 2006

The 3 P's

Pee, Poop and Puke.

The weekend was very interesting.
I ended up being called out of work on Thursday to pick up Christian at daycare.
He had a 101 degree fever and diarrhea.
I brought him home and nursed him along.
I woke up the next morning feeling pretty terrible myself so I went to the doctor's.
My temp was 100 and the doctor thinks that I have a sinus infection which I believe as well.
Next, it's the baby's turn to go to the doctor's. He has an upper respitory infection and the stomach bug causing him to have a fever, vomit and diarrhea. He only vomits first thing in the morning though. Strange.
Well, Dad took care of the family and home this weekend and I rested.
Saturday Christian's fever broke but he is still vomiting and has diarrhea.
Sunday my fever broke and that night I began to feel functional.
I thought that I might be able to bring the boy into to daycare. Then he puked on me twice. Bummer. I placed a call to my boss for fear that he may be upset with me missing so much work but he was very understanding. Sean's work was understanding and since it would have been my third day out of work he came home and I went to work.
My morning was rough. It was the first time that I had been out of the home or exerted any energy since our doctor's appointments on Friday. I've eaten oatmeal and had a ginger ale and sat in my cubicle for a good hour.
Hopefully, tomorrow goes better and we can both go to work....

I'll keep you all posted.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good Morning...or is it?

Christian and I have a routine. We get up and I change his wet diaper. Then I shower while he has a bowel movement. Then I gather both of our clothes and change him again. Then I get dressed and dry my hair. Then I feed him and close up the house and we are off.

Since I send him to daycare diapered, dressed nicely, loved and feed I'm usually proud of my morning accomplishments but this morning Christian decided to throw me a curve ball and puked up his formula on himself, me and the bedroom carpet just as we were getting ready to leave. Wonderful.

My schedule adjusted according to the little man. So I change him, myself and scrub the carpet. then were off and I am only 15 minutes late for work. Hopefully my little man isn't sick. It is unlike him to vomit and he did have a yellowish, runny bowel movement. You have to love this time of year. Sickness is in the air.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Little Man who I love with all of my Heart and Soul

My son is growing up so fast.
Er, should I say OUR son.
His father and I are so proud of our little man.
He sailed through cutting two teeth and then changing his daycare. His new daycare doesn't give him as much love but they offer other advantages like age appropriate toys and friends his age.

He has being in such a great mood lately. He smiles and giggles almost 24/7.

People told me that my opinion of children would change when I had one of my own and it has come true. Not only do I love this little man so much I have also gained an appreciation for all children.

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Daycare

Christian started at his new daycare today.
They seem nice but this is the first time that someone other than a relative is caring for him.
We are all luckly that Christian adapts to change very well and is a good natured baby.
I stopped in at 11:00 to see him but he was sleeping.
I think of him often and can't wait to go pick him up at 5:00.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My son likes to EAT.

So Christian has been eating baby food for two weeks and has discovered how wonderful it is. He has now decided that he can choose between a bottle of formula or baby food and he does. Yesterday he ate cereal mixed with a fruit three different times. Since he is already in the 97 percentile I am concerned about this huge jump in appetite but I will go on the feed on demand theory for now. Christian has his first taste of vegetables today at daycare. I'm curious as to if he will like green beans since he has been eating sweet fruits. He already tries to feed himself though I'm not sure if he is just trying to shove something in his mouth or if he is actually aware that it is feeding. He is such a quick learner! I love him with all of my heart and soul.