Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good Morning...or is it?

Christian and I have a routine. We get up and I change his wet diaper. Then I shower while he has a bowel movement. Then I gather both of our clothes and change him again. Then I get dressed and dry my hair. Then I feed him and close up the house and we are off.

Since I send him to daycare diapered, dressed nicely, loved and feed I'm usually proud of my morning accomplishments but this morning Christian decided to throw me a curve ball and puked up his formula on himself, me and the bedroom carpet just as we were getting ready to leave. Wonderful.

My schedule adjusted according to the little man. So I change him, myself and scrub the carpet. then were off and I am only 15 minutes late for work. Hopefully my little man isn't sick. It is unlike him to vomit and he did have a yellowish, runny bowel movement. You have to love this time of year. Sickness is in the air.


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