The 3 P's
Pee, Poop and Puke.
The weekend was very interesting.
I ended up being called out of work on Thursday to pick up Christian at daycare.
He had a 101 degree fever and diarrhea.
I brought him home and nursed him along.
I woke up the next morning feeling pretty terrible myself so I went to the doctor's.
My temp was 100 and the doctor thinks that I have a sinus infection which I believe as well.
Next, it's the baby's turn to go to the doctor's. He has an upper respitory infection and the stomach bug causing him to have a fever, vomit and diarrhea. He only vomits first thing in the morning though. Strange.
Well, Dad took care of the family and home this weekend and I rested.
Saturday Christian's fever broke but he is still vomiting and has diarrhea.
Sunday my fever broke and that night I began to feel functional.
I thought that I might be able to bring the boy into to daycare. Then he puked on me twice. Bummer. I placed a call to my boss for fear that he may be upset with me missing so much work but he was very understanding. Sean's work was understanding and since it would have been my third day out of work he came home and I went to work.
My morning was rough. It was the first time that I had been out of the home or exerted any energy since our doctor's appointments on Friday. I've eaten oatmeal and had a ginger ale and sat in my cubicle for a good hour.
Hopefully, tomorrow goes better and we can both go to work....
I'll keep you all posted.
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